The Singapore Ministry of Manpower’s website contains a wealth of labour data. An example is on unemployment rates in Singapore. I took two sets of data: Unemployment Rate (Seasonally Adjusted) & Resident Long-Term Unemployment Rate (Non-Seasonally Adjusted).
They look like this. As individual charts, they may not present a strong overall picture.

I redesigned the presentation into a dashboard using Excel 2003. You can download a copy here:
The effect of a well designed dashboard is you are able to survey more data in a glance, and make quicker assessments for faster decisions. I did this dashboard in 20mins, you can do it too.

About Aeternus Consulting
Related Link: Aeternus Consulting Excel Training Courses Singapore
Aeternus Consulting offers an excellent workshop Create Executive Dashboards in Microsoft Excel. This master level workshop aims to teach you how to create professional information dashboards in Microsoft Excel that is beautiful, concise and clear.
Related Link: Create Executive Dashboards in Microsoft Excel